
Consumers duped into believing water from a plastic bottle is healthier than filtering your own


The bottled water industry generated roughly 600 billion plastic bottles and containers in 2021. This resulted in around 25 million tons of plastic waste, most of which is never recycled and ends up in landfills, in our rivers, ocean & landscapes or burned in open slow burns like Tillafushi in the Maldives or for the generation of electricity in waste incinerators that are now becoming increasingly seen. Updated figures of the same for 2023/24 are becoming increasingly more difficult to source as corporate transparency becomes ever more elusive with the rise in public awareness and the information doors closing.

In a recent 2023 study with UN-Water, it was confirmed that over 90% of the plastic waste from drinking water is because of the commercial interest in creating distrust in the public of their municipal water system; After years of clever advertising & brand marketing by the big players such as PepsiCo, UniLever, Coca Cola & Nestle. They all have major revenue streams from their water brands held within their brand portfolios, they have created a world where people feel safer drinking bottled water. 

One simple change that can have a vast impact is our attachment to how 'convenient' it is to buy a plastic bottle of water during your day, rather than carry your own ‘life-can’ and refilling it with filtered water. Over 86% of globally branded bottled (mineral) water sold today is in fact just filtered tap water at best, with no health benefit aside of it being plain water. However the footprint this industry creates from the packaging, logistics and industry alone to support the 'convenient lifestyle' of being able to buy a plastic bottle of water rather than carry your own is vast and has greatly affected the planets eco system.

Aside of the profiteering and devastation to the natural world, there is now a huge amount of data that consumption from plastic containers is also wreaking havoc on your health, whilst this is a separate thread for conversation which you can 
read this from the EcoWatch.com resources I urge you to do your own research into 'Phthalates' which are esters of phthalic acid. They are used as plasticizers, substances added to plastics to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity. They are used primarily to soften polyvinyl chloride (PVC); and are highly dangerous to all life coming into contact with it. We are bottling water in plastics treated with this and have been lied to for decades about the side effects to humans and the natural world. It is like the tobacco industry all over again - smoking is good for you, there are no negative associations with cancer or other health issues. Its a corporate pattern that as consumers we must try and break, and, penalise those that do this to the public knowingly & devisively while making a staggering profit margin on branded tap water served in poisonous packaging, if there was ever a case of Ecocide this will no be my point of reference.


maquette's of the proposed Reverse Osmosis public water fountain


I believe it is my role to make the concerns of art relevant to society at large,  a crucial means for turning thinking into doing in the world; spanning sculpture, painting, photography, film, lighting and installation. Not limited by the architectural confines of the art world, my practice engages the broader public sphere through interventions within natural landscapes and civic spaces alike, arts education, policy-making, issues of sustainability and ecocide

In 2021 I started work on a design project that I believe can help and is important enough to share with the wider world regardless of IP & Copyright. The very same year I was opening Makers Place, turning plastic & aluminium waste from the drinks industry into meaningful objects; but I wanted to go further.

I wanted to create something truly useful to help the people of the Maldives truly break free from the plastic habit. I set work on designing & fabricating a public water filter system that uses reverso osmosis technology & personal water bottle for each and every resident of the Maldives & every tourist that enters the region on holiday. Both would be made locally
 from recycled materials, what a bold statement that would be from the Government of the Maldives and its people, that they choose to no longer depend on water in plastic bottles and the terrible burden it carries.

This design project moves forward and is to be housed within the new Makers Place recycling studio we are now working towards with funding being our core objective right now. The water fountain and water bottle is a turnkey solution without which, recycling poses the reality that we are just cleaning up peoples waste & bad consumer choices while not actually offering a viable solution to the problem. 

The 'life can’ element of the project will involve the fabrication of a hydraulic press to form the basic bottle shape out of a recycled aluminium billet. Further machinery would be needed to press the lid, and form the screw threads, making a water bottle is in fact a multi stage, multi machine setup; but once established production could be scaled up dramatically.


a 3d render of the life can design.


The second stage of the project would be to make these droplet installation pieces housing a reverse osmosis water filter system inside, these again would be cast from recycled aluminium within the Makers Place II facility. Their shape gives immediate identity to their function and I believe would be welcomed by the public at large, their simple droplet form hides the advanced technology that lies within. Reverse osmosis technology is membrane based with reduced consumables and an absolute assurance of their ability to provide pure H2O and nothing else.

In the Maldives we are working on the ground with the local & national governments to help advise, plan & install these water filter stations in schools, universities and transport hubs; offering clean and safe drinking water. These water droplet reverse osmosis filters will offer pure H2O in the safest form with absolutely no harmful chemicals PFAS, odour or otherwise. When the community understands this they will quickly adopt this safe and accessible way of bringing water to your life in a safe and environmentally friendly way.

iife can & water droplet public RO water fountain
3d printed models presented during 'Designing a better future' workshops

What is being proposed here can only be a viable solution if we approach the problem both at its source and final destination. At the very bottom of this post I include data on the  positive  &  negative  data from drinking Reverse Osmosis water on a daily basis.

If installed as planned, each user of a 'life can' and public water fountains would from that point onwards become a 'zero plastic water bottle user', and all you had to pay for it was a little less convenience.   

Read more about the ethics of water in an earlier journal post with supporting data on the benefits of switching to filtered water. 


a 3d render with AJH voiceover introduction.


I hope you found this journal entry informative, these projects are supported through my art sales alone, and all the support you could offer would be so very welcome even if its just a quick message to tell us to keep our efforts energised; thank you. You can also directly support via our Patreon.com/SustainableArt page.

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Today we cannot avoid the data of what is in the water supply and not be aware of PFAS or ‘forever chemicals’, they are now found in every public water supply around the world today, and it is a chemical compound of human invention. PFAS are extremely persistent within the environment and our bodies and are proven to lead to health problems such as liver damage, thyroid disease, obesity, fertility issues and a multitude of cancer variations; these really are terrible things to find in your water supply. Reverse Osmosis filtration removes these and ALL other chemicals, taste and odour. All unhealthy, inorganic minerals that the body cannot process. The build-up of these chemicals & minerals, especially calcium salts, leads to problems such as gallstones and kidney stones. 

Understanding the benefits to your health and the environment is an important stage in helping people think perhaps before buying bottled water.  Remembering the added chemical cocktail we find in public water system these days, a reverso osmosis water filter system produces nothing other than pure H2o.

Understanding the health benefits of drinking Reverse Osmosis water..
- RO systems are highly effective at removing a wide range of contaminants from water. These can include heavy metals (like lead and arsenic), dissolved salts, bacteria, viruses, and chemicals (such as chlorine and fluoride). This makes RO water safer to drink, especially in areas with poor water quality. Many people find that RO water tastes and smells better than tap water, as it removes impurities that can contribute to off-flavours and odours.
- RO water has a lower mineral content, which can be beneficial for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as kidney stones. It can also be preferred for some industrial and scientific applications where precise control of water purity is necessary.
- RO water will result in less mineral buildup in appliances like kettles, coffee makers, and dishwashers. This can extend the lifespan of these appliances and improve their efficiency.
Despite these benefits, it's important to be aware of the potential drawbacks of drinking RO water.

Fitting customisable mineral filter into the system is important, allowing you to add beneficial minerals such as salts and magnesium back into the water to create a specific mineral profile that suits your preferences or health needs, these can even be modified for specific taste profiles. Without this RO water tends to be slightly acidic due to the removal of all alkaline minerals, a mineral filter can balance the water for taste and health benefits.

The drawbacks..
- RO systems produce around 30% wastewater as a byproduct of the filtration process. This water is not harmful but contains what the filter system removed plus wastewater which can be a concern in areas with water scarcity.
- RO systems can be relatively expensive for an individual to purchase and maintain. They require periodic filter replacement, and the membranes may need occasional servicing, cleaning or replacement. They also need power to drive the filter pump, as mentioned before this can be solar driven.

- RO can remove minerals that are important for a safe and balanced diet, remembering that only H2o comes out of an RO filter, absolutely nothing else and that can cause health issues to some people in the community if you do not have a balanced diet. If you are concerned about the loss of minerals, you can use a remineralisation filter or simply be sure to eat a balanced diet when drinking pure H2o.