
Offshore Recordings a rare collection of vintage Silver Gelatine B&W hand prints direct from the artists studio


nothing bad ever lasts, artist poetry captured underwater

Memories in the form of texts are recorded on a typewriter that are then documented underwater using an 8 by 10 analogue camera to capture a dancing brigade of light & wave movement across the scene.

The shards of light take on the control and semblance of charcoal on paper, rolling the texts over an offshore seascape that shifts into a cartographic recording to hold unchanging through time.

offshore recordings a relase of unique one-off B&W darkroom prints

Presented here 'as shot' these colour negative film plates show flecks of colour darting through them, each print will be a unique B&W silver gelatine print; this intended intervention in the particular use of medium to remove any trace of colour, and, by making only one unique print, further enforcing the singular uniqueness of the final photograph. Not even the images seen on-line diminish the uniquness of the one darkroom print. Only the collector with the original on their wall will ever see this in its intended form.

These vintage release prints are all dated 2016, hand printed by the artist in his London darkroom.

A richly illustrated PDF catalogue for this series is available to download that includes an augmented reality viewer so you can see the works on your own wall from any device...

These works are available now at the Distil Ennui Studio Store.