Explore our collaboration on sustainable lighting design using recycled PET & PLA, showcasing our commitment to up-cycling and innovation.
Up-Cycling you can live.
3D printed and sustainable lighting goods
circular design is at the very core of this lighting range
The studio work towards the full & sympathetic restoration of the Convento de Los Carmelitas in Alcarria, last of its kind still standing in Spain.
building on the Distil Ennui Studio™ artist residency and sustainable design workshop program
Elevate your designs with campaign friendly images, simple, scalable licensing. Access an unrivalled collection of environmental underwater photography.
The final frames will be traditionally cast in Plaster of Paris with natural jute fibre re-enforcement.
you can support this project on Patreon.com/SustainableArt
This piece evolved from attempting to 3d model sea corals.
this design has been on my desk for some time and is now finally being realised in an elegant repeatable and modular way
Discussing the 'Makers Place' recycling studio and collaborating with Soneva
our first big recycling project in the space will become a signature design feature
here we have the first design layout draft from the publishers from 2011
This lovely surprise arrived in the post yesterday from 2 local photographic artists
even President George W Bush and the Disney Channel are not safe from having too much satirical time on your hands
in the past I have often used the studio to deploy guerrilla tactics to get certain messages out into the public domain in a playful and meaningful way.
This design incorporates signature works from 'Swarm' & 'Transparency of a dream' underwater butterfly collection of underwater photographs.
life furniture designed by artist Alexander James Hamilton founding artist of The Distil Ennui Studio®